↔️4. Sending ADA to your personal wallet

Here you will learn how to transfer funds from your exchange wallet to your personal one.

Receiving funds in Daedalus

From your wallet top menu, navigate to Receive:

Choose one of the available addresses:

Always choose a different address when receiving funds: this will protect your privacy. Funds will all go to the same wallet.

In the popup choose "Copy address":

Now go back to your exchange wallet.

From Coinspot

In Coinspot, once you open your ADA wallet, you will find the "Send" button:

In the dialogue that follows, paste the address you copied in the "ADA Payment Address" box.

Please ensure that the amount you wish to send is present in your exchange wallet (including transaction fees).

Coinspot will ask for your 2FA (which you should have, if you followed the guide here) and also send you a confirmation email prior to withdrawal of funds.

From Kraken

More information about withdrawing your ADA to a personal wallet is available here: https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000672763-How-to-withdraw-cryptocurrencies-from-your-Kraken-account

From the Funding page, show all assets and find the "Withdraw" link for Cardano:

Ensure Cardano (ADA) is selected (1) and that you have the amount you'd like to transfer. Then, add an address to send your ADA to (2):

Enter a description, paste the receiving address and save:

By clicking Review Withdrawal you can ensure the desired address is selected and that you are sending the correct amount:

Receiving funds in Yoroi

In the "Receive" tab, copy the address to your clipboard:

Always choose a different address when receiving funds: this will protect your privacy. Funds will all go to the same wallet.

Now go back to your exchange wallet and paste the Yoroi wallet address in the relevant section. If you are using exchanges we have discussed here, please follow the steps outlined above.

Confirm receipt of your funds

Please note that, while rather quick, the transfer of ADA from an exchange wallet to yours is not instant. If you have doubts about your outgoing (withdrawal) transactions, please make sure to check with exchange support.

Last updated